Farnborough International Airshow 2016

Farnborough International Airshow 2016

I’m on my way to the UK to spend a weekend with airplanes, airplane noise and Airplane Geeks. A lot of English beer (if I as a German can call it that…) will lead to quite a bit of Plane Talking. I’m sure that Plane Safety will also be a topic although all the Airline Pilot Guys there will have good Flight Fear Solutions. It’ll be a weekend just like in the old days, at the ω τ fraternity…

The meet-up

The whole trip was the idea of APG listener Stuart from Farnborough. He got in contact with the APG crew and suggested a meet-up during the Farnborough International Air Show.

What started as a nice idea soon developed a life of its own. The UK Podcasters loved the idea, Nevil Bounds spent days and weeks on the organization, the Airplane Geeks sent Micah and Brian, Marcus came for Omega Tau and listeners and viewers from all over the world started to fly in.

I first met everyone on Friday night for a beer. I was afraid that the evening might be a bit awkward but found myself quickly in the most relaxed conversations.

Hand delivered T-Shirt
Hand delivered T-Shirt


Welcome drinks
Welcome drinks

The air show

The following Saturday and Sunday were the main air show days. The air show area on the airport in Farnborough is so vast that it never felt crowded. The amazing flying displays included the A380, B727, A350, Catalina, A35B, A400M and many more. I only realised just how much I had gazed into the sky when my neck started hurting. The view from the media centre was first class and so was the catering on the flight line.

When I left, I felt a sadness in my heart that FIA is only every other year.

Great view from the media centre
Great view from the media centre




What was the question again?
What was the question again?


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Live Recording

The air show was great and could only be surpassed by the live recording of the Airline Pilot Guy show with guests from several other podcasts as well as a live audience.

We had a lot of fun at The Hog’s Back hotel. The beer was cold and plenty but not a requirement for the good time that was had by all! The show went on for hours (as usual) but the time just flew by!

Listen to (or watch) APG episode 229 here.

FIA 2016 - 27

The ball room of the Hog’s Back Hotel was a great stage for the show. And Matt, Carlos, Nevil and crew converted it into a professional recording studio, including satellite uplink as a backup. Amazing!

FIA 2016 - 28
Last preparations


FIA 2016 - 29
Getting ready (it took forever…)


FIA 2016 - 31
Group picture


FIA 2016 - 37
Cpt. Jeff and yours truly


FIA 2016 - 32

Meeting Micah was a great pleasure. So many memories of great stories are commented to the remarkable radio voice of his!

I had an amazing weekend and I am very glad that I had the privilege to meet so many fellow airplane geeks as well as many great podcasters. They are collectively responsible for many hours of my lifetime that are gone forever and will never come back.

To be continued…


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