Amelia Earhart
Visibility: A view of the past & a vision for the future
Location: Lae, New Guinea & VRRM (Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Maledives)
Equipment: NR16020 (Lockheed Electra) & N58NG (Pilatus PC12NG)
On June 1st 1937, Amelia Mary Earhart startet her famous attempt to fly around the globe. Her equipment was a Lockheed Electra. Together with her navigator Fred Noonan, she took off from Lae in New Guinea for the leg over the Pacific on July 2nd 1937 – 77 years ago.
They were not heard of again. But the respect for the achievement of Amelia Earhart as an aviatrix lives on. She has opened aviation to many people, especially many females who found the courage to pursue their own dreams in Amelias adventures.
On June 26th 2014, Amelia Rose Earhart started her flight around the globe. Her equipment is a Pilatus PC12 NG. A high tech, single engine, pressurized, turboprop made in Switzerland. Together with her co-pilot Shane Jordan, she is currently on the Maldives.
Amelia Rose is a pilot and a radio and television reporter. She is aiming at becoming the youngest female to circumnavigate the globe in a single engine aircraft.
Amelia Rose is “symbolically completing” the flight of Amelia Mary. “I hope to develop an even deeper connection to my namesake and also encourage the world to pursue their own adventures.” she says on her website.
During the flight, her foundation “Fly With Amelia” will award flight scholarships to young woman. Follow Amelia on twitter for regular updates!
I’m impressed and moved by the project and wish Amelia and Shane all the best for this amazing trip!
To be continued…
“You haven’t seen a tree until you’ve seen its shadow from the sky” Amelia Mary Earhart
(originally posted on July 2, 2014 by tilbo at