Merry Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

© 2014 AVIATORwebsite
© 2014 AVIATORwebsite

Seasons greetings!

2014 is almost over and I realized that time flies even without much flying. For flying this year was a bit slower than I would have wished for but there were a few nice trips non the less.

In April I continued my night flight training and had magic moments under the stars. Completing the Night VFR endorsement is on top of my list for 2015. Wish for clear nights!

In July we moved servers and the blog upgraded to the new web address of Easily the coolest web address out there! That same month I ended my baby break and was back in the saddle again. Flying „Lima Juliet“ was a treat after being grounded!

I spent a summer day on the construction site of the new airport. It is still not opened but at least there are tours now.

I started training on a new aircraft as well this past summer. The Piper-28 proofed to be a bit of a challenge for this low time pilot and I’m looking forward to the next lesson and more Piper flying in the future. Especially since September started with a major set-back. My beloved traveling companion „LISA“ had a „heart attack“ and could not come out to play for the rest of the summer.

This fall started promising with my flying buddy planning an amazing trip all over Europe. I was cast as co-pilot and although the weather folded on us during our first attempt, I am looking forward to flying south with him next spring!

All the best wishes for you for the next year. May there be a lot of time aloft!

To be continued…

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